
It is with deep appreciation that we acknowledge the contributions of the following individuals toward making this online exhibition a reality:

Game Nominators
Elena Bertozzi Clayton Ewing Lindsay Grace
Jacquelyn Ford Morie Eric Nersesian Casey O’Donnell
Andrew Phelps Charles Pratt Samuel Roberts
Kathleen Ruiz Dave Tomczyk Lien Tran
Michael Wagnerv Jose Zagal Eric Zimmerman
Website Design and Execution
Jim Demmers Courtney Marchese
ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community Committee
Cynthia Beth Rubin Jacquelyn Ford Morie Li Qin Tan
Greg Garvey Hye Yeon Nam John Hyatt
Copper Giloth Sue Gollifer Jim Demmers
Bonnie Mitchell
Kristy Barkan Ken Bauer Deborah Cotton